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Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching (STA)

You can find important answers to questions about university operations and the pandemic on the Coronavirus FAQ website.

The Erasmus+ program of the European Commission offers instructors at Freie Universität Berlin the opportunity to teach at a partner university in another European country for a short period of time with relative ease. This provides the opportunity to gain teaching experience and learn new teaching methods.

On this page we have compiled information about the current Erasmus+ program.

Information for instructors from other European universities interested in an Erasmus+ stay at Freie Universität Berlin can be found here in German and English.

Erasmus+ for Academic Staff


1. What are the requirements for participating in a teaching mobility stay at a partner university?

2. As a research assistant/associate, can I also take part in a stay for continuing education and training?

3. In which European countries can I take part in an Erasmus+ stay?

4. How do I apply for Erasmus+ funding for my stay abroad?


5. How much is the Erasmus+ funding for my host country?

6. Is there special funding for employees with disabilities?

7. What are the priorities used to select grant recipients?


8. How can I prepare myself interculturally for a stay abroad?

9. Which language courses can I take in preparation?


10. How am I insured? What additional insurance should I take out?

11. What obligations do I have as a grant recipient?


If you have further questions or if you are already specifically interested in a stay within Europe, you are welcome to contact us by phone or email.

Ms. Stefanie Ritter
International Affairs
IVB – Academic Relations
Kaiserswerther Str. 16-18
14195 Berlin

Telefon: +49 (0)30 838-73441
Email: stefanie.ritter@fu-berlin.de


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the author only; the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.