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Christian Wendt | Freie Universitaet Berlin

Christian Wendt | Freie Universitaet Berlin

Global Humanities Senior Research and Teaching Stay at the Johns Hopkins University

My current research, organised in two major projects, deals with dynamics and change in two perspectives:The research group „Bewegung als Prinzip – Dynamik und Transformation als politische Impulse im 5. Jh. v.Chr.“ (Einstein Stiftung) with the Einstein Visiting Fellow Neville Morley (Bristol) examines conceptual dealings with change and motion in the fifth century BC. A second project, „Thucydides and Political Order Reconsidered: Towards a 21st Century Reading of the History of the Peloponnesian War“ (GIF), questions theories of International Relations with regard to Thucydides. In cooperation with Christian Thauer (Hebrew University Jerusalem), I try to establish new interpretations of Thucydides based on the dialogue between Classics and Political Science.

Christian Wendt is Professor of Ancient History at Freie Universität Berlin and head of the Berlin Thucydides Center. His publications include Sine fine (2008) and numerous articles on Greek historiography and political thought, ancient international law, and the reception of Thucydides in modern political theory. He is the co-editor of 2000 Jahre Varusschlacht (2012), Ein Besitz für immer? Geschichte, Polis und Völkerrecht bei Thukydides (2011) and Thucydides and Political Order (2015/16).