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Anne Eusterschulte

Anne Eusterschulte | Freie Universitaet Berlin

Anne Eusterschulte | Freie Universitaet Berlin

Global Humanities Senior Research and Teaching Stay at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig

During her one month stay in Jerusalem A. Eusterschulte will intensify a current research collaboration between the The Martin Buber Society (Prof. Dr. Ruth HaCohen; Dr. Antonis Kalatzis, Hebrew University Jerusalem) and the FU Berlin focussing the work of Franz Rosenzweig. In september 2015 A. Eusterschulte started this cooperation in the range of a short term research fellowship of the Buber Society. In cooperation with the Buber Society and the Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg she has organized a joint workshop on „The Song of Songs in Jewish Philosophy of Language“ (Berlin, Nov. 2015). In september 2016 she will prepare and partake in a joint conference on Rosenzweig's political, aesthetical and epistemic thought. Besides that she is collaborating with Prof. Dr. Christoph Schmidt (Humanities, Hebrew Univ.) in order to put forward a research project on „The Return of Truth“.

Anne Eusterschulte studied fine arts, german literature and philosophy. Since 2007 she is professor for history of philosophy at the FU Berlin. Her main fields of research are reception of ancient thought; medieval and early modern philosophy; rhetorics and aesthetics; philosophy of religions; social philosophy. She is board member of the collaborative research center SFB 980 „Episteme in Motion. Knowledge-Transfer from the ancient worlds up to the early modern period“, of the Friedrich-Schlegel-Graduate school for literary studies and associated member of the research groups „BildEvidenz. History and Aesthetics“ and „Cinepoetics. Poetics of audiovisual images“.