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Sulamith Graefenstein

Sulamith Graefenstein

School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics

PhD Candidate

Australian National University

Sulamith Graefenstein works in the area of memory and museum studies, focusing on the use of public history in museums and memorial museums. She is author of the book Das National Museum of Australia und die Debatte um die Darstellung der kolonialgeschichtlichen Vergangenheit Australiens. Sulamith holds a Bachelor in European Studies from the University of Karlsruhe and a Master in Cultural Studies from the University of Konstanz. She is currently in the process of completing a PhD at the Australian National University on the representation of violent pasts in the contemporary human rights museum.

Social Memory Production in the Human Rights Museum: A (Trans)National Perspective

This research project engages with current debates in memory and museum studies regarding the shifting nature of collective memory production in a world of unprecedented global interconnectedness. It critically examines to what extent globalization effects may have decreased the capacity of nation-states to generate a sense of community based on a culturally bounded collective identity construct. In doing so, the analysis uses human rights museums from around the world as case studies to evaluate their possibilities and limitations in producing solidarity communities beyond the national.