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How can I apply for a fellowship within the Mobility Program?

The application process begins with the Call for Applications.

The Call for Applications for members of Freie Universitaet Berlin is published on the website of the PCD network. All researchers working on questions related to the network’s topic are invited to apply for a fellowship at one of our partner universities to begin in the following year.

Should you be interested in applying, the following documents must be submitted for consideration:

  1. CV
  2. Personal statement (2-3 pages), describing your research project and its link to the network’s theme of cultural dynamics
  3. Dates of your intended stay abroad
  4. A copy of your latest degree
  5. Proof of contact in the form of emails with a mentor or a fellow researcher at your host university with whom you would work.

Complete applications will be presented to the advisory board of the PCD-network for selection.

Our partner universities publish the Call for Application for a fellowship at Freie Universitaet Berlin according to their specific standards. Each institution organizes the selection process individually and independently. For further information, please contact your home institution.