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General Information

Foto: Career Service

Foto: Career Service

Bachelor’s degree programs at Freie Universität Berlin combine subject-specific education with practice-oriented modules that are part of the general professional skills (Allgemeine Berufsvorbereitung, ABV) study field. You can choose from a wide range of courses, thereby define your individual area of focus to improve your own qualifications profile and obtain skills that are relevant for both the job market and your personality. The general professional skills (ABV) study field also includes a mandatory professional internship.

Study Structure

30 out of the 180 credit points required to complete a bachelor’s degree at Freie Universität Berlin must be completed in the ABV study field. This corresponds to one sixth of the program. The structure is as follows:

General Professional Skills (ABV) Study Field
(30 credit points)

Mandatory Professional Internship

Work-related Internship
(country of choice)

(5, 10 or 15 credit points)


Longer Internship Abroad
(20, 25 or 30 credit points)


 Modules in different Competence Areas
(5, 10 or 15 credits each)

  • Foreign Languages

  • Information and Media Skills

  • Gender and Diversity Competence

  • Organization and Management Skills

  • Communication Skills

  • Sustainable Development

  • Subject-related Additional Qualifications

  • Research Orientation
  • Media Praxis


The number of credits you receive for the professional internship depends on its duration. If you decide to do a shorter internship, you have to complete more modules out of the different competence areas and vice versa. If you do a five-month internship abroad, you may receive all 30 credit points required for the ABV study field and do not need to attend any other ABV modules. Please inform yourself on our website about the internship module for further information regarding your options.

The ABV study field is regulated by central study and examination regulations. For some programs, these may also include subject-specific changes and additions. Please look for department-specific information to make sure whether any of these irregularities apply to you.

Tasks of the Career Service within the ABV Program

The Career Service, with a few exceptions, oversees the mandatory professional internship as part of the ABV study field. We provide personal consulting hours to help with the searching and application process, support students who want to do an internship abroad, plan and organize the mandatory internship colloquia and ultimately award the credits for the internship module in Campus Management.

Additionally, we also supervise the competence area 'Communication Skills”, including the modules “Präsentieren, Diskutieren, Moderieren” (Present, Discuss, Moderate), “Gesprächsführung und Verhandlung” (Conducting Discussions and Negotiations), “Persönliche Lern- und Arbeitsprozesse aktiv mitgestalten” (Actively Developing Personal Learn and Working Processes) and "Kooperative Projektarbeit" (Cooperative Project Work).

Furthermore, Training for Mentoring and Tutoring is offered for students in higher study semesters who wish to support first-year students at their institutes with their studies. Successful participation in the training may be awarded with five ABV credit points.

ABV Contact Persons

On our German website you can find a list of ABV contact persons for your department.