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The 1960s: Ernst Elitz

The director of DeutschlandRadio and alumnus of Freie Universität, Ernst Elitz, is now an adjunct professor of cultural and media management at "his" university.

The director of DeutschlandRadio and alumnus of Freie Universität, Ernst Elitz, is now an adjunct professor of cultural and media management at "his" university.
Image Credit: DeutschlandRadio-Jonas Maron

He is one of those people who would rather look ahead than back. That is why he is now looking out the window, into the courtyard of the radio broadcasting building in  Berlin. There is construction going on – that is part of present-day Deutschlandradio Kultur. And Ernst Elitz finds that much more interesting than the past.

He has been the director of Deutschlandradio since 1994, including the two stations Deutschlandradio Kultur and Deutschlandfunk. During most of the week, he works in Cologne, where the two stations have their headquarters. Two days a week, though, he is at the station here in Berlin, formerly the headquarters of RIAS,  where he started working while he was still a student.

Link to the complete article (in German)


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