Colonialism, Coloniality, and Abstract Art
Maxwell Boersma
This seminar will undertake a novel examination of twentieth-century abstract art in light of histories of colonialism and coloniality. It seeks to ask: how was the emergence and development of abstraction within Euro-American modernism shaped by colonial and imperial relations of power? What cultural forces and interests aided its global spread as an artistic paradigm during the last century? And finally, how have the practices of Indigenous artists and those from the Global South confronted these issues and presented alternative genealogies for non-mimetic approaches to form? Course readings will first introduce canonical understandings of abstract art’s so-called “invention” within European modernism, before challenging the limitations and exclusions of such accounts in the context of colonial modernity and exploring new attempts to reframe the transcultural exchanges enabled by abstraction. Schließen
15 Termine
Zusätzliche Termine
Fr, 07.02.2025 14:00 - 18:00Regelmäßige Termine der Lehrveranstaltung
Mi, 16.10.2024 12:00 - 14:00
Mi, 23.10.2024 12:00 - 14:00
Mi, 30.10.2024 12:00 - 14:00
Mi, 06.11.2024 12:00 - 14:00
Mi, 13.11.2024 12:00 - 14:00
Mi, 20.11.2024 12:00 - 14:00
Mi, 27.11.2024 12:00 - 14:00
Mi, 04.12.2024 12:00 - 14:00
Mi, 11.12.2024 12:00 - 14:00
Mi, 18.12.2024 12:00 - 14:00
Mi, 08.01.2025 12:00 - 14:00
Mi, 15.01.2025 12:00 - 14:00
Mi, 22.01.2025 12:00 - 14:00
Mi, 29.01.2025 12:00 - 14:00
Mi, 05.02.2025 12:00 - 14:00