SoSe 23: Seminar Mehrskalenmethoden in molekularen Simulationen
Luigi Delle Site
Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen
Audience: At least 6th semester with a background in statistical and quantum mechanics, Master students and PhD students (even postdocs) are welcome.
Content: The seminar will concern the discussion of state-of-art techniques in molecular simulation which allow for a simulation of several space (especially) and time scale within one computational approach.
The discussion will concerns both, specific computational coding and conceptual developments.
Related Basic Literature:
(1) M.Praprotnik, L.Delle Site and K.Kremer, Ann.Rev.Phys.Chem.59, 545-571 (2008)
(2) C.Peter, L.Delle Site and K.Kremer, Soft Matter 4, 859-869 (2008).
(3) M.Praprotnik and L.Delle Site, in "Biomolecular Simulations: Methods and Protocols" L.Monticelli and E.Salonen Eds. Vol.924, 567-583 (2012) Methods Mol. Biol. Springer-Science
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