UNA Europa - current calls and information
News vom 27.08.2024
Eleven leading European research universities including Freie Universität Berlin have come together to create a unique alliance – Una Europa. Their common goal is to expand and strengthen existing partnerships in teaching, research, and education.
Una Europa aims to draw on our collective strengths to create a truly European inter-university environment, a University of the Future: by entering into agreements facilitating joint degree programs and doctoral research, by promoting student and staff mobility and exchanges, by increasing digital teaching programs, through joint participation in EU-funded projects and shared research networks, and last but not least, through developing innovative new formats for joint working practices.
Una Europa@Freie Universität Berlin - Project Website and Contact
Current calls and information
Call for Junior LIAS Fellowships from Una Europa InstitutionsLeuven Institute for Advanced Study (LIAS) invites applications for visiting junior fellows within the project ‘Justice and migration’ (13 October – 25 October). The fellowships are intended for advanced Ph.D. students, postdocs or junior faculty members (tenure track) from Una Europa Universities. Applicants will be able to participate in expert workshops, discussions and lectures as well as actively engage with the LIAS community.LIAS covers all travel and hotel costs for junior fellows for a stay up to 14 days in Leuven with a maximum of € 1,000 for the total stay.
Application deadline: 13. September 2024
More information: 27/08/2024 Call for Junior LIAS Fellows from Una Europa Institutions - LEUVEN INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES
Competition "Una Europa PhD Impact Award"Are you a doctoral researcher in the field of Future Materials (or related research fields)? Do you want to share the impact of your research with others?
Enter our Una Europa PhD Impact Award competition, promote your research, and get a chance to travel to Bologna and participate in a storytelling workshop.
The Una Europa PhD Impact Award aims to recognise and celebrate the impact, and potential impact, that research and researchers across Una Europa partner universities have on society. Researchers are invited to present a short case study aimed at a non-scientific, non-technical audience. The case study should outline the (potential) impact of the research e.g., on society, the economy, the environment, health, education, technology, culture, or policy.
Your research project, submitted to the Una Europa PhD Impact Award should have a connection to Future Materials, which we understand as any material anticipated or expected to be developed or to become prominent in the future. Such materials possess advanced or novel properties, are more sustainable, or offer advantages over currently available materials in specific applications.
You can participate if you are currently undertaking a PhD at one of our 11 Una Europa partner universities, of which Freie Universität is a member. Deadline for submitting your case study is 15 September 2024.
The winners of the award will be invited to an Una Europa gathering in Bologna in November 2024 and they will receive the opportunity to participate in a storytelling workshop.
You can find more information on the competition on our Una Europa website: