D: Dauerauftrag (Standing Orders) to Druckkostenzuschuss (Subsidies for Printing Costs)
Dauerauftrag (Standing Order)
Standing orders are used for regularly recurring payment transactions (grants, scholarships, rent payments, etc.). Payment dates specified by the Central University Administration are the 1st or the 15th of the month. These orders are generally set up for just one specific budget year; the last payment date for each respective year is therefore December 01 or December 15.
Any changes to the standing order (change of address, bank account changes, changes in the duration or the payment amount) have to be made using a change request form and submitted to the II B 3 unit.
Diebstahl (Theft)
In the case of theft of money and inventory of Freie Universität Berlin, a report must be filed with the police. Please inform your department management and report the matter to the Rechtsamt (Office of the General Counsel of FU Berlin) as well as to the II A and II C units!
In connection with the processing of funds for discretionary use and/or work in payment offices of the University, please refer to the information in Newsletters H3/2001, H 2/2004 and H 1/2005.
See: Versicherung (Insurance)
Dienstkraftfahrzeuge (University Vehicles)
For more information, please see the guidelines dated 02-27-1998 on the procurement, provision and use of university vehicles, and the coverage of operating costs related to university vehicles. Furthermore, the relevant forms for reimbursements for travel expenses for business trips have to be used; these can be accessed on the webpage of the Travel Expense Office.
Dienstreisen (Business Trips)
See: Reisekosten (Travel Expenses)
Digitales Dokumentenmanagement System (DMS) [Digital Document Management System (DMS)]
FU Berlin uses a DMS for the purpose of switching to an electronic procedure for order processes and the subsequent processing of invoices for those orders.
Links to web/online release and approval:
- Factual correctness
- Anordnung (förmliche Zahlungsanordnung) [Order (formal payment order)]
See: Workflow (Work Process)
Drittmittel (External Funding)
Donations and grants from external parties to Freie Universität Berlin for funding specific research projects are listed separately in Chapters 04, 05 and 06 of the respective budget. In addition, there are external funding custody funds for individual funding donations starting with 00. The External Funding Administration office (VI C-DMV) is responsible for setting up and managing external funding projects.
For information on the numbering system used for external funding projects, see “Fonds (Funds)”.
More information on external funding can be found on the webpage of the External Funding Administration office.
Druckkostenzuschuss (Subsidies for Printing Costs)
In general, subsidies for printing costs are not provided. For certain exceptions, please refer to the leaflet on “Information and Procedural Rules Regarding the Budget System (“Hinweise und Verfahrensregelungen zur Haushaltswirtschaft”). The respective department administration is responsible in each case.