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Applying for jobs in Germany

14.10.2020 - 16.10.2020

Digitale Karrierewoche des Career Service

In this interactive online workshop, you can learn the ins and outs of applying for jobs in Germany - from what employers really care about to creating a great job application.

Applying for work in Germany requires not only a basic knowledge of how to correctly formulate your cover letter and application, but also a solid understanding both of what German employers value in an applicant and how the German job market functions. 
In this workshop, we’ll be focusing on the following questions: What does a good resume look like, and what does it mean to have a “good career”? What does success look like? How is it measured? How can I best frame my past experiences, including those outside of Germany, and how can I best take advantage of what the university offers me? What do I need to know about the job application process?Where do I want to go, and what do I need to do to help me get from here to there if I want to stay and work in Germany? 
We will develop a better understanding of the German job market by taking a look at the cultural values that influence employers. Through hands-on activities, we will explore how to best fit your personal career goals to the opportunities presented by the German job market and how to market your skills and experience successfully.

Please note that this workshop consists of a session on 14.10.2020 and a session on 16.10.2020. Subscribe only if you can participate on both days.

Zeit & Ort

14.10.2020 - 16.10.2020
